Tuesday, April 30, 2019

What do I write about? Akshat Iyer

What do I write about?
You always hear me say
As I stare at a computer screen
In great dismay.

Seconds pass by,
A minute, An hour.
As I sit there at my desk,
I am not used to this power...

...wait, this is still a blank screen?
I didn't know that it was due today
What do I write about, how do I finish?
Just anything that pops in my head?

No, no, I can't,
It doesn't make any sense
Why would I write about what pops in my head,
It all sounds so dumb

It doesn't make any sense...
It doesn't make any sense...
It doesn't make any sense................

Wait just a second.
I just did it.
I'm writing whatever pops in my head.
It all makes sense now,
I see words on the screen,
Cursor blinking rapidly,
awaiting my next words...

It all makes sense now.

I know what to write about.

It all makes sense now.
It all makes sense.
This isn't about content,
It doesn't have to be intense
All I have to do
is to entertain,
and the best way to perform that
is to share you my pain
while reading this over.

Thank you, and I hoped I entertained you
instead of wasting 2 minutes of your life.
Image result for writer's block


  1. i have no idea what to write about

  2. Meta... nice. I was tempted to do this, too.

  3. This was literally me this entire month.

  4. haha nice angle on this one!


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