Friday, November 23, 2018

Why I want to go to the Naval Academy By Thomas Dean

Image result for naval academy          Up until 8th grade, I never put thought into the ideal college I would like to attend. All I knew was that I wanted to study in the medical field. However, once I did some research, I got a good idea of the school I wanted to attend, The United States Naval Academy which is located in Annapolis Maryland. I visited the academy during a soccer (freshman year) and I could have loved the campus more. From that point on, I knew I wanted to go to the Naval Academy.
Image result for naval academy       
   The Naval Academy does not only supply a free tuition, but it also provides pay while you are attending the school, not an overwhelming amount, but enough to provide for oneself. Additionally, after an attendee pays off their years of service, they have very strong health benefits for serving in the military. More importantly, the Naval Academy pays for medical school programs. As I mentioned previously, I hope to have a job in the medical profession and the Naval Academy's free tuition and financially provided medical training makes that possible (without leaving me in a pile of student debt).
        However, that was only a small plus to the main reason I wanted to go to this school. Since I was very young, I wanted to be in the military, and this academy would give me the chance to not only get a high merited education but also fulfill my dream of being in the military. This is not the only perk of this academy, the sole purpose of the school is to teach leadership, a skillset that will be heavily depended on throughout the five years of service an attendee does. Leadership has been a quality that I have strived to attain throughout my middle school and high school years and the Naval Academy is the perfect school to acquire this attribute.
Image result for naval academy       Clearly, being accepted into this school is not easy. In fact, the school has a nine percent acceptance rate with an average GPA of 3.88 and average SAT score of 1180. Additionally, one must obtain a nomination from either the congressman/woman, senator, president, or vice president through a rigorous interviewing process. There is clearly no easy way into this school, but two years from now, I hope that I can say that I will be an attendee of the United States Naval Academy class of 2025.



  1. wow, I admire how you have a sense on what you would like to accomplish in the future. You can totally do it!

  2. COOL! I know you will be able to do it!

  3. Its great that your so motivated!

  4. It's so great that you have such big ambitions! If anyone I know would be able to make the cut, it would be you! Good luck!!!

  5. That is great how you have your goals set! Its pretty crazy because I was actually just at the naval base, and got to take a tour, and I would agree that it is has a great campus.

  6. I admire your ambitions and motivations. Stay on the grind.

  7. I love how ambitious you are! You can do it!

  8. wow ur so cool.. can i be you?

  9. I admire how motivated you are!

  10. I like how you've set your goals for yourself. Hope you get to the Naval Academy!


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