Friday, May 24, 2019

Test Tennis- Kyle Sutton

Kyle Sutton
Scones, Scrape, or Science pong, it has many names
Now let me tell you about a life changing game
It all started with some amazing kind of fluke
Now let me introduce you to my friend, Luke

Messing around with a drawer, Luke shouted with joy
For he had just discovered, his new favorite toy
Image result for ping pong ballsTo us it could have been a statue 8 feet tall
Luke, Rock, Tom and I were infatuated with this little ping pong ball

We knew whatever game we would make would be lots of fun
The first thing we decided was we would play to 21
We hit it back and forth, rock said we needed a net
Thomas spoke out loud, "there's no need to fret"

Horizontally we stacked 8 boxes of gloves
This is where we all saw my skill rise above
Playing with hands there was no competition
I would always win this battle of attrition

The next day after our test we played without hesitation
We needed to make a new addition to our creation
Image result for clay scraperTo take our game to the next level we couldn't play by hand
We needed some sort of paddle to make test tennis truly grand

What to use, what to use, for we did not know
Alas we found something, our trusty clay ho
We used it to make our manikens, it helped us flatten clay
The introduction of this paddle to the game, really made my day

As we first started I could already tell I would win
My first competitor was Thomas, the Heatmeister's angry twin
5 points in, I thought it was over, cocky, I know
But his lack of experience playing sports with hands really started to show

My next competitor was someone called me short, he would mock
I knew it would be more of a challenge to take on tennis playing Rock
I thought it would be a challenge to beat this seeming tree
But I defeated him handily with a score of 21 to 3

My next competitor I thought I could kick to Dubuque
It was however a challenge to beat blonde Luke
It was a close match, the win wasn't free
But in the end I pulled away because he wasn't as athletic as me

Playing with these guys was truly fun
But I clearly finished with the title of number 1
As I was metaphorically head and shoulders above the rest
I never had faced a very difficult test

I thought my record would be perfect without a blemish
But now I realize, I am still yet to duel against Kenneth


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