Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sparta So Far by Maura O'Hare

So far high school has been an exciting experience for me. This year, as a sophomore, was my third year here at Sparta and I have to say it was never what I expected. In 8th grade I transferred here from a small private school. I was planning on going to Pope John for high school, but decided last minute of my old school closing, to attend here. Starting at Sparta as an eighth grader was difficult, because so many people already had tight friend groups, and being the new girl I was scared to try to fit into some of them. Surprisingly, within my first week here I met tons of people who I am still friends with today. 

Eighth grade was a great time for me, and by the end of that year I was so thankful that I met people before entering high school. Although I had my friend group from middle school going into high school, things changed as people matured. I kept some friendships and created many new ones. Last year was one of the best years of my life so far. I joined new sport teams, started new types of relationships, and grew closer with my friends. I explored new activities and traveled to places I hadn't been too. My family took a road trip to VA beach during the summer and I got to visit my mom's family. I also got to meet relatives I hadn't even met yet. All in all I had such an exciting year. 

Starting off my sophomore year was alright, but not as nice as I thought it would be. The first half of the year was pretty fun, with dances and football games through the fall that used up my free time. It wasn't until the winter that my year started going down hill. I joined the winter track team, which I really didn't enjoy at all. Running indoors in the winter was boring and the meets went so late that through the season I didn't do good in school because of the little time I had. Also during this time things in my personal life weren't great either. My friends and I had some problems, my boyfriend and I broke up, and things with my family weren't as good as usual. Overall this past season was hard for me, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.

Now, ending this school year, I look forward to a fun summer. I'm starting my first year life guarding at Lake Mohawk, and also have some trips planned with my friends. I'm also ready to start off my junior year on a good note, and try to discover ideas for my future after Sparta High School. This school has done great things for me so far, and I know it will continue to help me grow as I pass through here. 

Memories of this year...

Winter Track--- 

Some of my friends ----


Cross country--



1 comment:

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