Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Five Quick Tips to Prepare for Finals by Olivia Giralt

     As the weather gets warmer and the start of summer fun comes closer, it is easy to get off track and lose focus on your school work. Before we all know it, one of the worst parts of the school year will arrive, finals. Finals are frustrating and exhausting for many students, so here are some tips on how to prepare so you can begin the summer feeling great.

1. Manage your time. 
   Do not cram all of your studying the night before your final. If you force yourself to learn an entire year's worth of school work the night before, you will become stressed and decrease your ability to retain the information for the test. All-nighters will result in lower grades. Plan a schedule beforehand and be sure to include breaks. Make your studying time as long as you are able to keep focus and work efficiently.
Image result for schedule notebook daily2. Schedule some time for yourself. 
   The craziness that comes with finals and afterschool activities can cause you to forget to spend time for yourself. By incorporating breaks into your studying schedule, you give yourself time to relax and stay healthy. One example of a healthy break is working out. Physical activity has proven to be a great way to relieve yourself of stress, improve memory, and enhance the quality of your sleep. Another example of a good break is a healthy snack. Food provides you with energy, so it is very important that you remember to eat. The food you eat can influence your academic performance, so be sure to follow the diet that is healthy and fit for you.

Image result for work out
3. Don't get distracted. 
   The environment that you work in has a large impact on your ability to study, so be sure to study at a location that fits best for you. Some ways to limit distractions include keeping your phone shut off and out of sight, studying in a tidy area, studying alone, or with a study group that can focus. Some students work best in silence, while others work best with a bit of sound in the background. No student is the same, so utilize the working environment that is most productive for you.
Image result for phone shut off

4. Study YOUR way.  

   A perfect study schedule and a perfect learning environment will be useless if you do not properly study. As stated previously, no student is the same, so some study methods may be ineffective to certain students. There is a variety of ways to prepare for finals. Examples of study methods include flashcards, rewriting your notes, reading out loud, taking practice tests, drawing diagrams, explaining what you have learned to others, study groups, and more. If you still struggle to find the right learning method for you, ask your teachers or other students for help.
Image result for flashcards

5. Stay motivated. 
   The struggles that come with finals make it tempting for students to give up and entirely avoid preparing for finals. Rather than giving up, understand the impact that your final grade will have on your academic future and remember why school is important to you. As awful as finals may be, it is important that you learn to overcome these struggles and do your very best. Know the rewards that come with your hard work.

Image result for stay motivated


  1. Wow, this was a really good idea. I will definitely use these tips during the next few weeks!

  2. This is great advice as finals near closer and students begin to start studying. It's important not to get distracted and to study in a way that will help you retain the most information.


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