Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Only Human by Jessica Steel

Only Human

Chocolate perfection
Chocolate chips hidden within
I'll waste 10 minutes of class... 
I think I can live with that sin

Look I didn't have breakfast 
Okay I did but it wasn't a big one
My doctor says I need to eat more 
I'll be happier when I'm done

I know it isn't healthy
But I deserve a treat
Though I know I had one yesterday
I just want more to eat

And they're so good
I won't have the chance to eat them forever
It would make biology bearable
I can't withstand this hunger

But if I eat too many
I will gain weight
Which I stupidly consider 
The worst of all fates

But what's one more?
That's what people with addictions say...
I can stop whenever I want
Just maybe not today

I will work out later
Yes I know I said that yesterday
And I know it didn't happen
But today is a new day

I can't resist that chocolaty goodness
That gooey perfection
The school muffins are too tempting
I am only human

Image result for chocolate muffins


  1. Great job on this! I see tons of kids eating these daily and usually with a fork! Love that his is light-hearted.


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