Monday, May 27, 2019

Parallel Universe By Nick Murray

Have you ever wondered if there's anything out there in the universe? Alien life, water, resources, anything? Well, after watching some videos and seeing some episodes of "Rick and Morty", a T.V. show on Netflix, I mustered up some theories that I want to discuss because they sure blew my mind. I decided to choose this for my blog as the Scientific until we did interest me.

The Mandella Effect.
Image result for mandela effect

The Mandella Effect is basically when a majority of the population remembers something, yet was wrong the entire time. For instance, the kid's show "Bernstain Bears" was often known by many as "Bernstein Bears". However, after looking into it, the creators spoke out about this issue and said that it was always known as BernstAin bears, yet there is a surplus of evidence stating that it was once called BernstEin bears. Even with the evidence, some of it could be photoshopped so there is no hard proof as of now.
*The capital letters represent the difference between the two titles*

Image result for mandela effect nelson mandelaThe name "Mandella Effect" originated from Nelson Mandella. He was in prison for charges, however, while he was in prison he was documented to have been taken out of prison and lived until the age of 95. Yet, millions of people disagree stating that they believed he died in prison due to health issues he experienced inside of the prison. There is documentation showing that Nelson Mandella was released from prison. However, in multiple writings in South African history books, it describes Nelson Mandella experiencing "The chaos that erupted in the ranks of ANC when Nelson Manella died on 23rd of July, 1991." There is extreme controversy surrounding this issue, however, it may never be fully decided among the public.

Parallel Universe Theory.
The Mandella effect was an indirect way of showing parallel universes. Now I want to dive into concepts that have spread across the internet and movies for generations that could be true.

1. The Multiverse.
Image result for Parallel UniverseWhat if for every action and conscious decision you personally make, there is another universe that chooses the other decision and or action? You wake up in the morning have coffee, but in another universe, you don't have coffee. This is just one of many possibilities but this example really blew my mind. Basically, it boils down to this; Joe Shmoe decided to eat eggs for breakfast today, but in another universe, he decided to not eat breakfast.

Image result for Matrix2.The Matrix.
What if the world is completely a simulation? That could explain why some phenomenon happens that never get discovered and figured out. Essentially the Matrix theory is an idea that stems from a technologically advanced society that programmed and completely created the earth on its own. If this were true, then the reason the universe is expanding may be due to the "developers" of the "simulation" updating the "simulation". What came first the chicken or the egg? No one knows, and what if this is the explanation for how all life was created. How anything ever started and how it will end.

These theories were just some of the theories that are floating around the internet and I wanted to bring them to this blog to share with everyone. In my opinion, the Mandela Effect scares me because I agree with the vast majority of them. At the end of the day, we may truly never know how we came to be,  how we will end, or how much longer we have.

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