Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I Just Want to Thank The People Who Made My Year By: Laramie Kipp

Sophomore year was hands down one of the best years of my life. A great part of it is due to the new friendships and bonds I've made over the year. My friends have changed and shaped me into this new person I've become. I finally feel complete and love this person. If my middle school self could see me now, she would be in disbelief. I never imagined having the amazing friends I have today. Now, I finally feel like I'm a part of a group and have found my people. I just wanted to give a special thanks to a few of the people who made my year.

Vivien, I don't think there are enough words in the dictionary to describe how amazing you are. The countless hours of facetiming and talking will be something I'll cherish forever. I can't even count the times, you've helped me with so many things. You helped me learn to let go of things and not constantly over-analyzing everything. I'll always treasure the countless amount of times we walk to the boardwalk. I'll always treasure our inside jokes. I'll always treasure our plots and schemes. I can't even tell you the number of times I randomly burst out laughing because of an inside joke we made. One of my favorite memories of us is when you, me, and Zach were in the bus seat and we told him we bet we could push him out of the seat. And he said "bet" and then the turn coming into the high school, I gave you a slight push and you jammed him out of the seat with all your might. All I remember is him falling and saying "no...no... that's not fair, I wasn't ready" and then you laughed so hard you genuinely cried. My second favorite memory is when I told Trappe you and someone were dating and then you posted a photoshop picture of my online, with the person I said you were dating. There are so many more memories I would like to list but, we don't have all the time in the world. Thank you, for being such an amazing friend. 
P.S Thank you for always coming with me to drop off my backpack in homeroom.

Carissa Ann Lambert, how can I even describe such an amazing person in laymen terms. You have always been their for me for EVERYTHING (even when I was extremely weird and sensitive). I can't even tell how much I treasure our late night conversations of when we dance and have sing-offs in the middle of the boardwalk. You are so hilarious, it's insane. Sometimes I watch old silly videos we made and just start laughing at the moment. You are so amazing and kind, it's lowkey scary. You have made my life so much more fun and better. I can't imagine having a life without you being my friend. There are so many memories to chose from but, one of my favorite memories is when you, me, Frank, and David went to the park. We laughed so hard when Frank fell of the frog and the frog was jumping up and down like crazy. I loved when I dared you and Frank to hold hands for 30 seconds (yes, I know very mature) and it was the most awkward moment ever. It was so funny and I love how you were like is the 30 seconds over and I wasn't even keeping track in the first place #oops. My second favorite memory is when we were playing Mario Kart and I got in first place for every match and you got so triggered. You stopped playing with me and then we laughed about it for 20 minutes. Thank you so much for being such an amazing friend.

Matt, Matt, Matt you have to be one of the funniest people I've ever met. We facetime for sometimes hours in the night and you make me laugh so hard, I almost pee my pants. You just have the sort of personality that makes everyone light up around you. If I'm ever in a bad mood or I'm upset, I always know who to call to make me feel better. I also appreciate how you always like my memes (it makes me really happy when someone appreciates my memes). You also give such great advice and I really appreciate how honest you are.  My favorite memory of us is one day when we are facetiming and we started talking about the most random and absurd topics (like the blue Kentucky people and the marriage pact). My face turned bright red and my stomach started to hurt from laughing so hard. I just want to thank you for being such an amazing hilarious friend. 
P.S I also love when we scheme together and make the most amazing plans (they always work).
P.S.S My favorite video of you is when you ate a dandelion. 

Zach, I just wanted to let you know, I am a clash God and you are a clash peasant. But, seriously you have to be one of the nicest and most polite people I ever met (at least around adults :/). I'm sorry you're the butt [;)] of all our jokes but, you make it so easy (ngl). But, again I'm so glad we became closer friends this year because you are such an amazing person. Also, I'm glad that you laugh at my jokes (because they're mostly about you). One of my favorite memories is when we were playing clash royale and I beat you 5 out of the 7 times. (Ummmm...who's bad at clash now). And you can only beat me with one deck (I hate that stupid deck). Also, I just want to point out you didn't know what tea meant until I told you this year and now you always say and I quote "Come on Lar, spill the tea". Also, I loved when Vivien and I went to your job and took pictures of you working (and then later we became known as the creepy stalker girls) but, it was totally worth it. 10 out of 10 I would do it again. I just wanted to say thank you for being such a good friend and always making me smile.

Jordan you are the nicest most amazing person, I've ever met. I don't know how you do it but, you can make any situation hilarious. Whenever I'm around you I always burst out laughing, from the jokes you make to your facial expressions. I have so many screenshots of just you making silly faces. Sometimes I go back and look at them and start dying of laughter. I can't even tell you how much I appreciate you always coming with me to ask Scones and Dinunzio a bazillion questions. I also love how whenever we would do the science take-home test together, you would always find a way to make the situation funny. My favorite memory of us was when we were roasting one of our friends in a group chat and you made the funniest face, I've ever seen.  And I laughed so hard, my face turned bright red. I just want to thank you for always being there for me and always making me feel better. 

[Jordan will not send me a picture of her :( ]
P.S I just wanted to let you know you're a roast God. 
Kelly, where do I even get started with you. We've known each for such a long time and you have to be the most fun person, I've ever met. I love how we have so many jokes (in Brennan and Scones class) and we randomly start burst out laughing. I love when there's a situation where we can make an innuendo joke we do. I love how you're always there for me. You hands down have to be one of my favorite people in the entire world and I love spending time with you. When we hang out together, it's sometimes scary the havoc we make. My favorite memory of us is when we prank called our friends and we laugh so hard that we almost pee our pants. I love when we go to Panera and if we see anyone from school we know, we claim it's our territory   (cough cough **you know who you are** cough cough). Kelly, I just want to thank you for making my year.

I wish I had all the time in the world to thank everything who have helped me grow as a person this year. There are so many more friends I want to thank but, then the blog post would never end. You guys mean the world to me and I know the memories of our good times, will last forever. Thank you!
(P.S Everyone who I mentioned above was asked if I could write and post a picture of them before this post was written).


  1. Panera is our territory. Everyone else are just guests. ;-)

  2. Very sweet! It's so nice to have great friends!


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