Thursday, May 30, 2019

One of a Kind by Gianna Gorvan

A few months ago, our blog post was about family and so I chose to write a little bit about my mom, but I realize that I haven't gotten the chance to say much about my dad, so here goes nothing.
   My dad is truly a one of a kind human being. First of all I would like to bring up how much I look up to my dad. He is never home due to his constant working, but I admire that about him. He is always doing things with our best interest in mind, even if at the time it doesn't seem like it. My father is someone who, despite his hard, rigorous job, makes his family a priority. Even after a long, irritating day he comes home and smiles, never EVER letting his work anger get in the way of his relationships with my brother, my mom, or myself. Though sometimes his work comes home with him and he works in the living room for hours on end, he always makes time to just be there. I am so so SO grateful for that.
   I hate to admit it, but he and I are very similar. We were both born stubborn wise-guys who can't take "No" for an answer, which as you can guess doesn't usually end well. We laugh, we fight, we scream... a lot. Though I absolutely hate 99% of your music, I don't have nearly as many tattoos, or any for that matter, and we have entirely different ideas of what is funny, there is no denying the special bond we hold. I cherish the days you come home and yell "HIIIIIIIIII" into my bedroom at the top of your lungs, and all of the times that we get me a new piercing without telling mom. But, I also cherish our fights. They teach me that even those you love can have different views and opinions, and if you fight about it one minute, those who truly care about you will be able to bounce back from those differences and laugh about it later. Though you constantly make fun of how bad my joke ares and yell at me for telling the same "Knock Knock" joke to you a million times, not a day goes by that you don't make me smile.

   I will forever be grateful for all you have done for me, the big things of course, but the little things as well. Thank you for supporting my wild shopping addiction that I cannot completely fund on my own yet. Thank you for talking me through a tough day, and getting me over problems I thought were impossible to let go of. Thank you for the tiny gestures, like the "Be..." necklace that I will never ever get rid of, thank you for making sure to kiss me goodnight every single night, and for saying "See you in the morning" back to me, even though I know I probably won't see you until 9:00 at night the next day. You inspire me to be a better, kinder person than I was the day before and you show me that no matter what, I will always have someone to look up to and depend on.
   You have taught me so many lessons, and I cannot even begin to think of how to repay you. You have taught me how to be strong, both at the gym and in my heart, how to be brave enough to go after what I want, even when I think it is beyond my reach, and that it's okay for me to go my own path and not trudge down those everyone else goes down. You have created me into the person I am today, shaped my ideas, made me try new things, and helped me achieve every single one of my goals. I hope to one day be half of the person you have become and get to treat my children the same, wonderful way you have treated Rocco and I. Dad, thank you for being you. I love you so much.

Love always,

Most stressful hike of our lives...
We switched spots!!


  1. Very sweet! I hope you print these and give them to both your parents!

  2. This is the cutest thing ever


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