Nothing happened. I mean, another year passed and really, nothing happened. I went to school each day, kind of learned, kind of just sat in class. I went to practice almost every day I had school and then I went home. I would do my homework, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed, wake up and repeat the previous day's activities. There were the few days where I did something interesting. I went on short vacations, spent some good days with family. There were also the deaths and grief periods that come with every year. I spent hundreds of hours on tracks across New Jersey and spent many days it feels like running. At the beginning of 2019, I started keeping track of how many miles I ran each day and week and month. The fact is, I ran a lot. I spend a lot of my time running. I found that I also spend a lot of time rotting away in a classroom, learning information that will not benefit me in the future. Why do I need to focus on history when what I need to focus on is my future and if the world will fix its problems or if we will go down in a flame? Why do I need the unit circle when math is of no interest to me? Although I love reading, why do I need to read old Shakespeare and literature that has no impact on anything happening around me? It's a great escape, but is it really necessary? My year was kind of useless but I guess many years have passed where I have done nothing. Hopefully, this next year, I can change that and I'll write about my year and not realize I have done nothing worthwhile with my time. Although this blog post was a mess, I feel that embodies my year. - Nuala Hynes
-Wow, a tree
Interesting take on your year. I would have hoped that you would have gotten something from all that you have done.