Wednesday, May 29, 2019

My Brothers --- by: KELLY ZUKOWSKI

Through this blog post, I really want to congratulate the big steps my brothers are taking when it comes to their lives. My little brother, Terry, is now in fifth grade, but in the following school year, he will be making his way into the middle school. My older brother, Steven, is now in his senior year of high school, but next year he will be going into college. I am very proud of their accomplishments as they are growing up to be great people.
My older brother is like a twin to me. My house will never feel the same without his lack-of-a-better-word humor that he brings to the house. Although, I probably will text him every day to see if he is having fun. The hilarious part is that my brother, Steven, is going to the Stevens Institute of Technology. It is a match made in heaven, to say the least. Furthermore, I find it funny that his college’s mascot is a duck. Quack. Quack. Quack.
Image result for duck meme
My younger brother is my teddy bear or “terry bear”.  He is growing so fast and I love him so dearly. I can not actually believe that he is so close to becoming a middle schooler and a pre-teen. Next thing you know, he is in high school and then college. I can not wait to go school supply shopping with him this summer. This also includes all the dorm supplies that we are going to need to buy for my older brother.
Image result for teddy bear meme
I love my brothers very much, and I can not wait to see what the future has in store for them. They are amazing, intelligent, and funny human beings. I really am happy for them. (However, I would like to reinforce that I am the better sibling and child ;-). )

Image result for better sibling meme


My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...