Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Spring by Julia Dykstra

March 20th: the first day of spring 
Winter has left us
Days get longer, and the sun melts the earth below
Serotonin levels rise, stress and worry diminish
Day after Day 
The weather gets warmer 
Leaves begin to bud from the trees

Breathing the life back to them after a long winter
Color reemerges after many moons of grey and brown 
Green grass 
Blue sky 
Not a single cloud spotting the world above
Every color of flower imaginable begins to grow in fields and meadows 
A choir of birds sings
Celebrating the arrival of a fresh, new season 
Image result for spring
Image result for springImage result for bunny in flowers


  1. I'm glad you took the chance on a poem!

  2. This poem creates a clear image of the arrival of spring!


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