Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Another Spring Poem by Vivien Talon


by Vivien Talon

At first, cold wraps itself around faces,
leaving noses pink and rosy
as coat pockets swaddle hands,  

and clouds of condensation leave chapped lips.

the snow recedes,
frost melts away from window panes.

The warmth brings,
a lively earth.
Bands of birds return,
the smell of fresh rain
accompanied by wild flowers
springs with dandelions and budding leaves

The morning sun oozes a tired gold,
dusting over the dew drops and doe.
The wind blows a crisp breeze over the
swaying the emerald leaves.

Frozen streams burble to life,
garbling in harmony with the rustling branches
and chirping of birds.
The sky smooths itself into a cerulean blue,
not a cloud in the sky.

Dead leaves and branches
merge with plump new soil;
Squirrels and groundhogs emerge
from cramped burrows,
stretching away the fatigue of winter.

Image result for springImage result for springImage result for corgi


  1. this touched my heart!!

  2. very cute - like you and your pear shaped baby face ;)

  3. Beautifully written - you're so talented!

  4. YOU'RE SO CUTE this made me smileeee :)

  5. OMG this is so amazing! Remember the little people when you become a famous writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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