Monday, April 29, 2019

Losing Notre Dame by Miranda Doller

From the beginning of time 
Our Lady stood tall
A monument where bells chime
We thought she'd never fall
The fifteenth of April came along
Songs and hymns stopped singing
She caught flames, something went wrong
The sound of faith stopped ringing
Parisians look up in dismay
Bursting orange flower
The sky was The Forest's ashtray
A symbol of France's power
Her illustrious past is not lost
High and mighty stands your Cross

Image result for notre dame burning
(This is the "bursting orange flower" I was talking about)
Image result for notre dame fire


  1. so sad about Notre Dame, it's been up for almost a millennium! It's practically a wonder of the world. Nevertheless, it will be rebuilt even better. Great poem.

  2. This was such a terrible thing to happen. Great poem .

  3. This is such a nicely written poem, the fire was a total tragedy.


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