Monday, April 29, 2019

My Friend by Olivia Giralt

I stare out the window as I ride the bus to school.
It is 6:36 in the morning, why am I thinking of you?  
I always had wished you went to school here, 
I miss talking to you in real life. 
You had the brightest smile,  
the most soothing voice. 

For hours and hours 
We would talk on the phone.  
So many memes and so many jokes. 
I am thankful for the advice you gave 
As well as the stories you told. 
Every hour, every minute we shared.
You were my favorite person to talk to. 
Nobody else was quite like you.  

You were brilliant.
I looked up to you. 
You would never understand. 
You made me want to change.
You may never realize,
the inspiration you gave.
Though I really hope you knew, 
How much I cared about you.  

You aren't my friend anymore.
You and I are different.
A lot has changed in such few days.
So we go our separate ways.
No calls, no texts.
But worst of all,
No apology.
After everything, I would often wonder
Did you ever care? 

I still miss you, 
but I don't need you. 
I may not have you in my life anymore, 
But I have independence, motivation, happiness, and love.

Though it was not an easy lesson to learn,
Thank you for teaching me,
All I need is me.

Image result for iphone 6s text Image result for friendship
Image result for broken friendship


  1. This is sad, but relatable. Friends will come and go, but everyone of them was in your life for a reason. Great writing.

  2. Good work - a sad lesson to learn though.


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