Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My future family- Nuala Hynes

     Thinking about family, I started wondering on what I wanted my future family to look like. To be honest, I don't really know what I want. I don't feel the need to get married and I don't really want to have kids of my own. I would rather adopt children and give kids in need a home than have my own children and contribute to the crisis of over population. The one thing I know I would like is dogs. Any size and any breed, I love dogs. One thing I really want to do is adopt really old dogs who are not going to live for a long time and give them a home. Those dogs need a place to be cared for in the last moments of their life rather than living out their time in a concrete kennel. 
     So many dogs are homeless and especially so many old dogs have no home. Puppies get cared for and adopted in the snap of a finger and can you blame them? I mean, yeah, they're really cute and really cuddly and you get to play with the extra skin hanging off their face. I get it, puppies are new and shiny but those dogs you see in the corner of the kennel matter also. They are also fun and nice and snuggly. I have a 10 year-old dog at the moment and he is probably the best friend I have ever had. I've played with puppies and younger dogs but I would never give up Cody for anything. Dogs are better than people, there I said it.- Nuala Hynes


  1. Adoption of both children and dogs sounds like a fantastic idea!

  2. I feel bad for all the old dogs in animal shelters! I find it so amazing you want to give these dogs all life before they pass. This piece was really well written.


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