Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Maura O'Hare: Change

I sometimes think about what my future will be like, when I'm no longer living in my parents' house, in college, all alone. One of my biggest fears is being alone, in my house or anywhere, even before I watched Lights Out. I think, with me, I just really enjoy the company of others and always have someone with me in case something happened and I didn't know what to do. I live with my family right now, two parents and four siblings, so I am very used to the presence of people in my home. My life, as I see it, will change drastically when I move out, and I don't know how I will handle it. I've always lived with my big family and are so used to being with them all the time, it's going to be very different.

My family is the biggest part of my life and I'm happy with the type of relationship I have with every single one. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to someday make my own family. Yet, I think often about how I will feel without seeing my siblings and parents everyday, and also maybe even living far away from them. Another thing I think is weird about my future is the idea of maybe, in my young adult years, having to live on my own. This will probably be odd for me because downsizing your roommate count from 6 to 0 is quite different, something I'm really not familiar with. Some people with maybe one sibling or not as many may not relate, but I know that I will miss my family like crazy when I move out.

Family is an important thing. I think everyone needs people in their life to look to and just be there, even if everything is all right. My family gives me love and support and they are the single most important influence on my life, which is why it will be hard to see us split apart. Yes, I plan on moving out and leaving my family, but will definitely keep the relationship which each and every one of them.



  1. Remember that you don't HAVE to move out right away and you have sisters a year older who might make good roommates!

  2. this is well written

  3. loved the lights out reference


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