Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Estela by Vivien Talon


She was born in the Philippines, 
a crown of black hair,
adorning her brown skin.
Third world country, so she knew she had to work harder.
Her whole life she kept going,
despite everything that fought against her.
Despite the death of her father,
despite the death of her mother,
despite the death of her childhood best friend.
Got into the top college,
passed the bar,
but she knew she was meant for more.

She took a step away from home,
A leap of faith 8,500 miles long.
To make a life better than hers for her children.
Even if she had to take a break from law to become a secretary
if it meant more time for her family.
Even if she was half a world away from family and everything she called home.
Nevertheless, she persisted.

Husband always away,
she was working ten hours a day,
messy house,
bills to pay,
plus the four kids she had to raise.

Immeasurable burdens pushed onto her shoulders,
weight of her family, depression,
homesickness, stress,
despite all of it she's fought through it all.

And I'm proud 
to call Maria Estela Rhodora Esmundo-Talon my mother.

My parents, 108227473 years ago


  1. What a beautiful tribute! I hope you show this to her! I love your photo caption!

  2. This is such an amazing piece of writing! I love all of your poems.

  3. That’s such a beautiful poem!


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