Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My Family by Lily Loewen

I already talked about my family in my last blog post for the topic, "what is important to me", so I guess these two are going to be a little similar. My family consists of my mom, my dad, and I. When I just say that, my family seems pretty small, but when I think of my family it's a lot bigger. My dad is one of 6, and all of his siblings have at least two children, which leaves me with a lot of cousins. All of us live pretty close, so my cousins are basically my siblings. Most of my cousins are around my age, so that's why we are so close. We spend everyone's birthday, holidays, basically all of summer, and most weekends together. Even though I'm an only child, I've never felt like one, which I really like. If I had no cousins, I think I'd be so lonely especially at family events, but I've never felt lonely ever. My cousins are always there for me. We talk about everything together and I'm so thankful for them. Most people hate holidays or going to family parties because they have few cousins, and the cousins they have are nowhere near them in age, but I think I can speak for my entire family that family events are far from boring. We are always laughing together and doing fun stuff that have made amazing memories that I will never forget. My earliest memories are with my family, and my last ones are definitely going to be with them too.

The people I consider my family aren't just blood related to me, though. My best friend, Jenna, is also my family. I have been friends with her since we were seven, when we started dancing together. Ever since I met her, she and her family have also been considered my family. Our moms are also best friends, as being dance moms together really brought them close. Jenna and I are so similar that we are basically the same person. We think the same, generally do the same things, say the same things, and were meant to be best friends. Ever since we became best friends we've never gotten into a big fight or even thought about ending our friendship. We are inseparable. There is not many people that can say they have a friendship like we do, which is what makes it so special. Jenna comes to a lot of Loewen family parties and she is basically a "Loewen" in our eyes. My family, Jenna, and her family will forever be apart of my life and I am so thankful for the memories we have and the times we will have in the future.


My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...