Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Family By Lukas Hein

     Since the day I was born, my family has been the most essential part of my life. I would be nowhere close to where I am now without the presence of them. Whether it's driving me to practices, spending their weekends watching me play the sports I love so much, pushing me to do well in school, and supporting me and everything I do, My accomplishments are all based off of my family. Ever since I was a kid, I was taught that family is so important, and I've never let that go.
     Friends can be compared to family, but in reality they are a lot different. Friends come and go, but family is forever. Your best friend from second grade could be like a brother to you, but they would never be able to replace your actual brother. You might say you like your friend more than your brother, but deep down, your brother is the one you have lived with forever, and will always be your best friend. Playing football and basketball out in the yard, having inside jokes, and the endless competitions over the smallest things are irreplaceable.
     Most teenagers can relate to having a love-hate relationship with there parents, and whine about hating them when you can't get out of the house, grounded for a bad grade, or just simply not getting your way. But from day one they have been your number one supporter. They'll skip work to go do something fun, schedule work and meetings around you, and even if you're sick, will sacrifice a day of their life to make sure you're okay. They might suck from time to time, but the little things are always taken for granted. No matter what, even if it seems bizarre to think of, parents will do anything for their children, and I know for sure my parents do.
     With both parents working busy schedules, it can be hard to plan around and get rides to places I desire. I look at them as the worst when they won't drive me to the basketball game, or are too tied up to bring me to a friends house, but what I fail to recognize is how I can only get so much. Over the summer, they work around everything, and give up their fist couple weekends of summer sitting in summer heat in Maryland watching me play lacrosse all day. On top of it, every morning is football, and only parents would give up an extra hour of sleep to make sure I'm ready and to bring me back and forth. Not many friends would want to drive down to Maryland every weekend, and most wouldn't like having to wake up early just to drive me to a practice they don't even have. There might be times I will choose friends over family, but deep down, I know that my family will always be there for me, and will always be my number one priority.

1 comment:

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