Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Family by Robert Scott

    No one can choose their family, it's just something that you're given at some point you can't remember for what could be a variety of reasons (some more scandalous than others).  This can create large differences in how people can think of their families, as, of course, everyone's family is made up of different people.  Media has portrayed these extremes of family many different times, whether it be in the dysfunctional style of Malcolm in the Middle or on the loving side seen in A Quiet Place.  No matter which side you're on, though, you're stuck with them, for better or for worse.  Luckily for me, I feel as though I'm on the better side of that spectrum (though I would really rather not have to go through saving my family from the all-hearing aliens in A Quiet Place). 
    My family life has been a mellow one.  I'm fortunate enough to have parents who are still together and an older brother to wander through the minefield known as life before me so I know what to expect.  My parents are honestly, as sappy as it is, very great.  Of course, I really have no one else to compare them to, but I feel like they've done a good job raising my brother and I.  They're strict when needed, but not all the time, they go out of their way to get me to whatever event I'm going to (until I get my license), and I know they care for me.  My father is a genius when it comes to almost anything mechanical.  If it has a motor and wheels, he can figure out if anything is array.  My mom is more of a "book smarts" person, doing all of the finances and signing all of the forms for the family.  
   I also have a pretty great older brother, Ryan, too.  He also goes out of his way quite a bit in order to do things for me, like driving me around (which takes up more time than you think) thanks to him being two years older than me.  Of course we bicker every now and then, but we spend the majority of our time together joking around, and he's probably one of my closest friends, I'd say.  
    All in all, I'm very thankful for all of them.  
Image result for family



  1. With an older brother as well, I can relate! Great post!

  2. So nice! It sounds like a good group!


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