Wednesday, February 27, 2019

How Does One Write About Family? -- Jenna Marie

To be honest, I don't know what to write. I mean it really is easy to write about family, to express your love for them, to say just how grateful you are for having them. But to be able to write this in a manner that isn't cliche, in a manner that's completely sincere. That's something that I'm finding especially difficult in the moment. Every time I think about my family I get caught in some kind of word block, for how is it possible to express such feelings through words. No one has ever really done the feeling of love justice before, and I don't think anyone ever will, because this feeling is something that we don't understand, let alone write about. So there is my dilemma. How can I write about my family without being sappy and fake? What course should I take to circumvent the impossible topic of love? Don't get me wrong, I do love them very much, I'd do pretty much anything for them and I know they'd do the same for me, but to write about it? That's something I can't fathom. I hope I don't sound ungrateful... in fact my only fear of writing about my family is to do how indebted I am to them, how grateful I am for them always having my back... to do wrong by that.
My family is perfect I suppose, and I'm very lucky to have them. So many times I've heard friends complain about problems at home, and every time I'm reminded just how lucky I am. How lucky I am to have a mother who backs me in everything I do. How lucky I am to have a sister close in age that I get along relatively well with, who at times can be my best friend. How lucky I am to have a father who cares enough to spend his extra time teaching me sports, workshop, and other random survival skills. I'm so lucky for my family, and I think one of my biggest inner demons is just that. I'm so lucky... so why isn't everyone else? Why do I get the perfect family, when so many others are struggling? I've done nothing for it. I feel guilty. Then I feel guilty about feeling guilty. It's a vicious cycle, but I can't help it. Every time I think about how lucky I am, I'm reminded of those who are not. And every time I feel guilty about that, I think I'm doing injustice to how grateful I am for my family.
It's stupid really. First world problems I know. I'll get over it eventually. It's just hard to know that someone doesn't enjoy the same support that I receive every day, because I know for a fact that I wouldn't be as successful as I am today without my family. So to wrap things up, I suppose I should say that I hope all of you find a family-- even if you find it in your friends-- that's always supportive. Even when you get that bad mark. Even when miss your PR. Even when you fail. Because that's what families should be for. To back you in the toughest of times. To be there for you when you need them. I hope that you all find that, because everyone deserves that.

1 comment:

  1. I like the stream of consciousness you have written here. It's easy to feel guilty for what you were born with, but don't - you deserve all that you have!


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