Sunday, November 25, 2018

Unpoplar Opinions by Sarah McGovern

I've recently noticed how oddly angry people get when your opinion on something so small and insignificant differs from theirs. Lately, people all over social media are posting their personal "unpopular opinions" and the reaction they get is honestly amusing. And, yes, while everyone has the right to their own opinion and whatnot, some of these are just plain disappointing. I've made a list of some of the most popular "unpopular opinions" and I want to know how you feel about these extremely controversial topics. 

#1. Pineapple on pizza: This one really confuses me. People get very aggressive when it comes to whether of not this tropical plant belongs on pizza, but in the end, it's their money and if they want pineapple on their pizza, WHY DO YOU CARE? But that's just my opinion. 
Image result for pineapple on pizza

#2. Dogs vs. cats: As the owner of both dogs and a cat, I get defensive about this one. In my humble opinion, dogs and cats are BOTH valid and deserving of love, but many people feel differently. The general public is weirdly divided over which is better. How can these two be compared when they are so different and awesome in their own way? I don't know, what do you think? 
Image result for dogs vs cats

#3. How to eat a KitKat: I only have one thing to say about this: KitKats have the defined pieces for a reason and choosing to ignore that is disrespect at it's finest. 
Image result for wrong way to eat a kitkat

4. Milk or cereal first: This one shouldn't even be an issue. I don't understand the logic behind putting milk in the bowl first. Wouldn't pouring the cereal in after milk make a mess and splash everywhere? Please explain. 
Image result for milk or cereal first

#5. Fall/ winter are better than spring/ summer: The cold seasons are so much better don't @ me. 
Image result for snowman

That's all. Don't get mad, it's just opinions. Do you agree or disagree wth these? 



  1. Totally agree with all your views.

  2. noah fence but what if youre on your second bowl of cereal so you have to pour it into the milk from the last bowl

  3. This was funny! I really liked reading these views and I also don't understand why people get worked up over "unpopular opinions"

  4. I like this though I happen to disagree with some xoxo

  5. I think for most of these we can say - do what you want! This is one issue with social media!


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