Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Love of My Life By: Becca Lefkowitz

He is my best friend,
The love of my life,
He has stood by my side through constant mood swings, break ups, love, and loss,
He has held my hand offering love and affection when needed.

He knows exactly when I'm at my lowest point bombarding me with hugs and kisses, along with celebrating my achievements both big and small,
He never gets angry with me,
He puts his emotions aside and focuses on my well being.

When I am at risk, he drops whatever he is doing, and races to protect,
Although, we are not related he is part of me as I am to him,
I would not be able to survive without him,
It is extremely hard each time we part, because I just want to be around him, snuggled up in his warmth.

He is the reason I get through my days, knowing that he is waiting for me with a big smile resting on his face,
He will forever remain in my heart, as being my best friend and one true love,
I know that with him by my side, anything can be accomplished,
I wouldn't trade him for anything, no amount of money would I ever be able to sacrifice him,
He is my everything.

He is my dog

Clifford Junior Lefkowitz having fun in the snow!!!
CJ loves to smile!!!
CJ cuddling with his little sister, Zoey!!!


  1. I share your feelings about your dog. My dog, Zebeau, is my best friend and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!

  2. I didn't even suspect it was your dog until the ending! The relationship you have with your dog is really sweet.

  3. LOVE IT. This is so cute.


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