Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Best Day of My Life- Lizzi Botta

Every since I could remember, I always had begged my parents to get me a dog. But I was never really old enough to convince my parents on why we should get a dog- but that changed last year. 

After Thanksgiving , I started looking into dogs, but not any type of dog- hypoallergenic ones. One of the reasons of why I couldn't get a dog was because my dad was allergic to them, but I soon found out that there were certain breeds that would not trigger these allergic reactions. Hours upon hours, I would go online and search for rescues, dogs from breeders, or any type of dog that was hypoallergenic. I found lots of dogs that would be perfect for our family, but I ran into two common problems- either the dog was too far away, or it was too expensive. But this never made me stop searching for the perfect companion for my family.
After about a month of searching, I thought I found the one- a beautiful labradoodle that was close by, hypoallergenic, and inexpensive. As soon as I showed my parents though, they said no to this puppy- they still needed a little more convincing on why we should get that dog. I conducted even more research on reasons to get dogs and the benefits, and of course by the time I finished doing all of this, the dog I had wanted had been adopted. Devastated, I considered giving up on this search, but my motivation in the end was what lead me to keep on looking for the right puppy.
I thought I had looked on every dog adoption/breeder site, but then I found something online that I hadn't seen before. On this newly discovered website, I found a bunch of breeders that were close by that were selling affordable hypoallergenic dogs- it was perfect. Upon this website, I found a breed that I had never heard of but were supposedly hypoallergenic, double doodles. Scrolling through the puppies, I found "Frank- third generation double doodle, 13 weeks old"- as soon as I saw Frank, I knew we had to get him. (This was Frank:)
Image result for frank the double doodle

I asked my parents if we could get this puppy, and I could not believe what they said- after years, they finally answered yes. 
A few days later, we traveled to Pennsylvania to get my puppy. When we arrived there, I saw Frank jumping around on the floor, a little fluff-ball. Next thing I knew, I was carrying him into the car and off we went.
After he adjusted to our home, we decided to rename our new puppy. After debating names like Duke, Moose, Buddy, and Jasper, we reached a decision after a few days- his name would be Jasper.
Getting Jasper was the best day of my entire life.

Now, I could put hundreds of pictures of him, but I will try and put the best pictures:

(1st day we got him)

(Jasper sleeping with his head in a boot)


  1. Wow I love how persistent and hardworking you were when you were looking for the perfect dog. I admire how you didn't give up, and spent hours upon hours, because knowing me after about 10 minutes I'd be like nah I'm done.

  2. Your dog is super cute! I wish I was as persuasive as you, then I would have had a dog by now too!

  3. Your argumentative and research skills served you well! I can't see the pictures though : (


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