Friday, November 30, 2018

My November Thoughts By: Lauren Matus

November, the month that goes by like a breeze,
but makes your fingers and toes freeze.
A month of being thankful and giving,
which encompasses the holiday of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving, a day where one can eat lots of food,
which will put anybody in a good mood.
My family and I say grace,
sometimes at a quicker pace,
Our plates wiped clean and our bellies full,
Not one waking moment was dull.
Even after all this fun,
We most certainly are not done
There’s still dessert galore;
something everybody can adore!
At the end of the night,
before I’m out like a light,
I take one more look around at all the amazing people I have in my life.
I feel like I don’t take the time as often as I should to appreciate everything positive in my life,
but I am so grateful that I have such a great support system and people I can count on.
Now it’s almost December,  

but this month was definitely one to remember.
Image result for thanksgiving picture


  1. Very sweet and I agree that November goes by so quickly.

  2. Haha, 'before I'm out like a light'. This was such a cute little poem, I loved it!! Great job!


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