Thursday, November 29, 2018

My Love Hate Relationship With Winter By: Jenna Blandina

Technically, the first day of winter is December 21, 2018. In my head, I'm thinking seriously! We had our first snow day BEFORE thanksgiving because of the 5 inches of pearl white snow that covered Sparta New Jersey. I don't know about anybody else, but I am done with this weather, and it is not even winter yet! As I love the many things that are associated with winter such as Christmas, lights, cookies, and giving back to the community, I do not like the weather winter brings. All I can think about is summer, where I am back on the beach tanning, where there is not one cloud in the bright blue sky. Closing my eyes as I lay on the soft summer sand, listening to the waves crash upon the shore without a care in the world. Then, I stop day dreaming, and realize I am standing outside in 20 degree weather with a cool breeze running through my winter coat, not on the beach. As December approaches, the temperature will drop, lights are lit on the outside of houses, and cinnamon scented candles fill homes. I put the radio on, and can not escape the Christmas music because it is just that time of the year again. The time of the year children wait 365 days for, just to have a chubby man go down the chimney with presents for them. The time of the year children run outside on midnight of December 25, to see if Rudolph and his fellow reindeer have landed on their roof. The time of the year when families are brought together to share their love for one another through gifts and traditions. Reality is, I can not escape winter, unless I move to another state down south- which is definitely not happening. I have to keep telling myself that there are only 205 days, and 2 seasons until the sun will be beaming on me at the beach again. Until then, winter and I have a love hate relationship.
Image result for first snowfall november 2018 njImage result for jersey shore beach

1 comment:

  1. Funny that you write this because we were saying that if we hate the cold and gloomy weather, maybe we need to consider where we live!


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