Thursday, November 29, 2018

Who killed Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman? By: Laramie Kipp

Note: I personally believe O.J Simpson killed Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman 100% but, this trial fascinated me and I wanted to talk about other alternate theories. 

Who is O.J Simpson? Orenthal James Simpson more commonly known as "The Juice" or "O.J" was a football player and actor. Simpson played for the San Francisco 49ers and Buffalo Bills. He was conducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. O.J had dabbled in multiple fields like acting and even he started his own production company called Orenthal Productions.

Prior to the Crime: One of the worst cases of police brutality happened to a man named Rodney King. Four police officers were filmed maliciously beating and kicking an unarmed black man, and were found not guilty. There was public outcry and it sparked many riots. Buildings were destroyed as people marched the streets in protest of the injustice.

Synopsis of the events Before the Trial and events during the trial: O.J Simpson was accused of brutally stabbing his ex-wife Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman. Detective Mark Fuhrman arrived on the scene and enter the premises without a warrant because they thought Simpson might be in trouble as well. That night Simpson took a flight to Chicago so, the detectives interviewed Kato Kaelin who was staying in O.J's guest house. Once Fuhram entered the property, he found the infamous black glove. The police gathered enough evidence to get a warrant on O.J. Once O.J hears about the warrant, he slips out of Robert Kardashian's home. This is when the infamous white Bronco chase happened. O.J was sitting in the back of A.C's white bronco staying he was going to kill himself. Finally, O.J returns to his home in Rockingham where he is placed in custody. The trial begins and O.J pleads a 100% not guilty.  O.J's defense or the "Dream Team", which was led by Robert Shapiro,  Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee BaileyAlan DershowitzRobert Kardashian, Shawn Holley, Carl E. Douglas, and Gerald Uelmen. On the side of the prosecution was Marcia Clark and Chris Duhran. The trial starts to go downhill for the prosecution once Mark Fuhrman gets cross-examined by F. Lee Bailey. Tapes from Mark Fuhrmamn emerged of him saying incredible racist remarks. Then L.A.P.D analyst Dennis Furg told the jury that there were procedural errors with gathering the evidence . DNA testimony starts to be presented in the trial and this is when O.J tried on the black glove found at the crime scene. This is when the infamous line, "If it doesn't fit you must acquit" was muttered by Johnnie Cochran. Most critics claimed the glove didn't fit because it was frozen and thawed so many times. Judge Ito ruled that the jury would hear two of racist tapes from Mark Fuhram.
With the jury absent, Mark Fuhram's tapes were played and he plead the fifth amendment when questioned about the tapes. The ingenious move by Johnnie Cochran to appeal to the jury's emotions about police brutality is what really got O.J acquitted. The public was still in outcry because of the horrendous crime against Rodney King. Some critics even believe the members of the jury did not want to send another black man to jail, in the name of Rodney King. The trial begins to  succeed as the prosecution and the defense make their resting cases. The case goes to the jury and in less than 4 hours the jury had reached a verdict. Orenthal James Simpson was not guilty on two accounts of murder.  

Evidence Presented in the Trial:

  •  The history of Simpson's violence towards Nicole Brown-Simpson.
  • O.J's hairs were found on the cap at Bundy residence and on Ron Goldman's shirt.
  • Cotton fibers were found on the carpet of the white Bronco and they matched with the fibers found on the cap at the Bundy Residence
  • The blood found at the crime scene only matched 0.5% of the population (O.J included) 
  • Simpson had fresh cuts on left hand the exact day after the murder.
  • There was blood found in O.J's bronco, driveway, and master bedroom. There was also a pair of socks with blood on them that matched Nicole's.
  • There was a bloody left glove found at the crime scene. It was a Bundy and the XL-right-hand glove was found at Simpson's house. Nicole Brown bought a pair of of Bundy gloves at Bloomingdale in 1990.
  • Shoe prints were found at the crime scene and they were size 12. O.J had a size 12 shoe.

Is the book "If I Did It" an admission of O.J's guilt?:
"If I Did It" was written by O.J Simpson and ghostwriter Pablo Fenjves. When the Goldman's found out about the book, they were outraged. The Goldman's went to court to fight over the rights of the book and they won. They decided to change the name of the book to "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer". O.J first starts to account about how he meant Nicole Brown-Simpson. Nicole and Simpson got married very quickly but, the couple faced many problems. The couple eventually got divorced and O.J went on to describe his ex-wife as the instigator. Simpson describes his wife's friends as "hookers and drug dealers and unsavory characters". 
Later in the book, O.J went on to continue to describe a "hypothetical" account of murders. He started off with his endeavor to Chicago the day after the murder. This is where O.J talks about a fictional acquaintance named "Charlie". Charlie tells O.J about Brown going to a party in Cabo which sets Simpson into a rage. This is when Simpson decided Nicole was the enemy and he was to go to her house and scare her. Along the way, Charlie grabs a knife and jumps in the white bronco. Charlie and Simpson illegal enter Nicole's house through the backdoor. They peaked into Brown's house and saw that the candles were on. Nicole's boyfriend (Ron Goldman) arrived at the house with glasses left by Nicole's mom. This spurred O.J into a outrage and he started yelling and screaming at Ron. This urged Brown to come outside and start going after Simpson but, Nicole slipped and hit her head on the pavement. O.J than grabs the knife from Charlie and blacks out.  O.J walks up with blood all over him, confused about the events that led up to this movement. Simpson sneaks back into the house to wash up and goes to Chicago. 

Alternate Suspect #1: Glen Rogers (A committed serial killer):
Glen Rogers' brother Clay Rogers claimed that on death row Glen confessed to killing Nicole and Ron Goldman. Supposedly, Glen Rogers was hired by O.J to steal one of Nicole's earrings and to kill her if she got in the way. 

Proof to the Glen Rogers didn't murder Nicole and Ron: He was convicted of a 6-week sentence at the time of the murder.

Alternate Suspect #2: Jason Simpson (OJ's Son)
This theory was created by private investigator Bill Dear. Dear wrote a book called "O.J. IS INNOCENT AND I CAN PROVE IT" and it highlights how Jason was on probation for attacking his boss with a knife. Jason also attacked his former girlfriend Jennifer Green and broke his other former girlfriend Dee Dee's back. Jason even went as far to cut off Dee Dee's hair with a knife. Dear impersonated a doctor for 2 weeks and illegally obtained Jason's record. Supposedly, Jason had been diagnosed with Intermittent Rage Disorder and stopped taking his medication around the times of the murder. Dear discredited Jason's alibi that he was working at a restaurant because the time card was handwritten and the electronic time card was in perfect working order. Bill Dear claims he has photos of Jason wearing a hat that looks very similar to the hat found at the crime scene. Dear claims that O.J was present at the scene of the crime to protect his son. Many critics have discredited Dear's case based on the fact that the foundation of the theory is circumstantial. 

O.J. and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy was discovered by Bennet Omalu and it's caused by traumatic injuries to the head (football players get a lot of head injuries). It causes a buildup of proteins that affect the blood vessels. It affects the cognitive function of an individual and can cause damage to the neurons which, can cause moods swings in an individual. The individual may not even recall some of their past actions (they may not even remember if they committed a crime or not). The only way this disease can be diagnosed is after death. So, the world will not know if O.J have CTE until after his death. "Traumatic Brain Injury of all types would increase an individual's propensity to engage in violent and criminal behavior"-Bennet Omalu
Image result for oj simpson defense
Image result for oj simpson defense

By: Laramie Kipp


  1. I can agree, this trial really is interesting (though morbid)

  2. This trial is very interesting and I like how you took the time to research all of this.

  3. Wow Laramie, you really put a lot of effort into this post. Well done. You would be a good lawyer!

  4. It's amazing to me that so many are still interested in this trial! The announced the verdict and I was in 7th grade and I remember they announced it over the loud speaker because everyone was waiting to hear about this case!

  5. This is so interesting, thank you for sharing this information!


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