Tuesday, November 27, 2018

My experience with the Fall Drama (you should go see it its really good) by: Liv Canova

So, if you've heard me open my mouth at all this week, you've probably heard me talk about this year's fall drama, You Can't Take it With You, produced by Sparta High School. The show follows a couple, Alice and Tony, as they try to merge their very different families. It has crazy characters and a hilarious storyline which appeals to all ages. I've had the opportunity to help stage manage the show and it's been a great experience to not only see the show transform into the amazing production it now is, but also work behind the scenes making the sets, finding props, and reviewing costumes. I do shows because I love to perform and be onstage. I've also met my closest friends through theatre and bonded over our love of shows. But this year when I was faced with not getting cast as a character, I was unhappy not only because I wouldn't get to perform and hang out with my friends, but also because I wouldn't get to see the production come to life. So I decided to insert myself (as I usually do) because I couldn't bear missing out on 2/3 of the reasons that I love theatre. And that's how I got the role of assistant stage manager, which was a new challenge for me because I had never worked on tech crew before. In the past when I played characters, I didn't really talk to the people who were on the tech crew because all of my friends were with me onstage. But now I was offstage watching and taking notes, while the rest of my friends were onstage. At first, it was a little awkward because I wasn't super close with anyone who wasn't an actor. But as time has gone on and rehearsals have brought us closer to the weekend of the show, I've realized that I've formed close relationships with most (if not all) of the tech crew. Our stage manager, Juleanna, was just another member of the drama club to me. But after sitting next to her on that little ledge for 2 months, watching the show, reading lines, and commenting on stupid things that the characters say or do, she's become a good friend and someone I can confide in and depend on. Kyle, who does the lighting, was originally just that boy who came to rehearsal and sat up in the lighting booth all alone. Now after painting sets, peeling tape and scrubbing paint off the ground, and finally joining him up in the lighting booth, he's become someone who I want to talk to and makes me laugh every time I do. And Kaden was some freshman. But after teasing him, throwing things at him and making him wear funny necklaces, he's like a sibling to me. Although in the beginning, I didn't get a part, I realized that "what I wanted" wasn't actually what I wanted. Through this experience, I got exactly what I needed and I couldn't be more thankful. And also go see the show because it's super good.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you stayed with the show and now get a cool, new experience!


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