Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Sugar? Nah, I'm sweet enough!-Kelly Zukowski

           Sugar is something which many people love with a burning passion. Cakes, chocolate, lollipops, and candy. In addition, a lot of holidays center around sweets like Christmas, Halloween, and Easter. The other side of sugar is that it could cause diabetes and can contribute to other diseases (especially cardiovascular disease). That is why the American Heart Association recommends that men should have at most 37.5 grams of sugar and women should have at most 25 grams of sugar.
On my father’s side, type two diabetes has occurred to many of his relatives. Specifically, my grandpa and recently my dad has been diagnosed with type two diabetes. My grandpa has it so bad that it he now has amnesia as a result of it. Every time we call my grandpa, he always thinks its evening, and he only remembers my parents and brothers (he still thinks my brothers are very young, and he never remembers me). My dad being diagnosed with type two
diabetes this year has made considerable changes to not become like his father. He even has prohibited himself to have certain foods like chocolate, cake, and candy.

On my mother’s side, a lot of the girls are chocoholics. My grandma would be willing to kill if she did not have a piece of chocolate every day. Her doctors have been telling her only when to eat chocolate because they know that she won’t stop. Some of my aunts also have this addiction and it seems to get worse as they get older.
  These factors are the main problems that come from my family tree. Thus, my parents worry that my brothers and I may become chocoholics or get type two diabetes. My family does not need to worry about my younger brother since he is not interested in candy, except the occasional Reese's. (He even despises cakes, ice cream and other chocolates!) Even though my older brother likes chocolate/sweets, I know it is not on his top 20 or 30 of food.

Therefore, that just leaves me. I certainly would not kill for any piece of sugar. However, there are a few occasions when I do have a semi-extreme sweet tooth. Thus, the future will only tell if I will fall victim to type two diabetes, become a chocoholic, or even both.


  1. Well, Kelly, I hope you don't become diabetic or a chocoholic (although I think that ship has sailed for me...). Just remember to remain calm around those sugar coated treats!

  2. I love the title of this post! Keep this in mind when you bring bags of candy into school : )

  3. Good luck, I wish you the best in your sugary future


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