Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Be A Lady -- by, Jenna Marie

Be A Lady

by, Jenna Bargfrede

Be a lady. That's what they always said. Be a lady?
But  how? I would ask. And so they began their barrage of requirements. To be a lady you must:

  • Be polite. Then I will not say a cross word. I will take what comes without defense for my honor, or anything silly like that. Honor is for the foolish man, we mustn't worry about that.
  • Be sincere. Then I will tell truth and truth alone. And should that hurt somebody, then I will hold my tongue. Who needs to speak their mind anyway?
  • Be modest. Then I will keep from celebrating my achievements. I will keep from letting my brilliance shine. It's rude to brag.
  • Be mature. Then I will abstain from being a child. I will abstain from that humor which may be thought disgusting or inappropriate. I will abstain from fun.
  • Close your legs. Then I will deny  myself comfort. It matters not that I'm wearing pants, its unacceptable to be so inviting to men.
  • Put on makeup. Then I will cover up all of my imperfections, not just on the inside, but on the outside as well. It would be terrifying if somebody got to know exactly who I am after all.
  • Watch your mouth. Then I will not ever fully express myself. It's okay the men can do that for me.
  • Cover up. Then I will relinquish any confidence in my body. Confidence is ultimately  just a nicer word for arrogance anyway, and we can’t have me distracting the menfolk in my selfish pursuit of anything of that sort right? 
Be a lady, they said. Then I will be but a shadow of myself.


  1. Preach! Love your cynicism on this topic, Jen.

  2. I love this! Amazing work.

  3. Absolutely love the sarcasm and unapologetic honesty. This is so powerful

  4. Jenna, I love this! So creative.

  5. Super creative and raw and honest! Excellent! You should submit this to Beginnings!

  6. Jenna Is My Favorite Person Ever Wow

  7. Sadly so real Jenna. You have captured the dilemma of the modern woman so well! I am continually impressed by you, you daring young wordsmith!


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