Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Thankful by Olivia Giralt

       Every morning, I wake up in my soft bed with a roof over my head. I can walk to my kitchen and eat breakfast, I can use the bathroom and take a shower, I have electricity, a phone, a Chromebook, a family, pets, clothing, transportation, an education, and so much more. I am blessed to have a life that has given me so much opportunity. My life may not be perfect, but I feel that it is quite close. Regardless of how great things are, I unfortunately have some bad days where I forget to show gratitude for the advantages and gifts I have been provided with.
Image result for house
Source: Shutterstock

         I love my friends. I have always been told that it is essential to surround yourself with friends who are optimistic and have positive attitudes. Lately, I have kept this advice in mind and been spending time with some astounding people. I am especially incredibly to have amazing friends who are positive and trusting. Within these past three months of school, they have helped me become a braver person with a more positive mindset. I have so many fantastic adventures and memories to look back on with them. Without my friends, I wonder how much of a different person I would be today.
Image result for friendship
Source: crosswalk

        Every day that I attend school, I hear someone complain about being there. I'll admit it, our education system is flawed, school is especially stressful, and waking up in the morning is painful. However, I am truly thankful to go to this school and receive an education. I have made nearly all of my friends in school and I have been lucky enough to been taught by a number teachers that truly care about making a difference for their students. On top of that, Sparta High School provides a great variety of courses that many other schools cannot. My school supplies its students with their own personal Chromebooks, it has an extraordinary music program, tech department, two therapy dogs, and other great things.
Image result for sparta high school
Source: Sparta
     I am almost certain that everyone has experienced a bad day in their life. For me, there have been days where I have felt as though everything has gone wrong and there is nothing to feel good about. On such bad days, it seems to be quite simple to overlook what tiny but great things there are to be thankful and happy for in life. When times are tough, I do my best to remind myself of everything I am fortunate enough to have. Even if today is a bad day, I always know that sometime in the future, there is destined to be a good day.
Image result for happy
Source: The Birmingham Times


  1. This was so well written! We all have to remember to appreciate the things we take for granted!

  2. I love this and I really hate when people take things for granted (myself included).

  3. It's so refreshing that you sat down inspired to write a post about gratitude and appreciation, these are important acknowledgements that are almost completely eclipsed today. Thank you.

  4. A great message to us all to be so thankful for what you have!


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