Monday, October 29, 2018

The End is Here by Reagan Rech

October 28, a gloomy day. October 28, a devastating outcome. October 28, a huge let down. October 28, when the Red Sox took their final win. All I could do was sit there and watch it happen, watch the Red Sox take their first World Series since 2013. However, to be completely honest, I didn’t have the heart to watch the whole thing. When it was 5-1 in the 8th inning, with the Red Sox up, I had already accepted that the Red Sox had won their 9th World Series.
There were some hard fought games, though. In the 3rd game, both teams made history with the longest game in postseason history. The typical game is 9 innings, but this one lasted for 18, ending at about 4:00 in the morning. After about 8 hours of grueling battle, the Dodgers came out on top with a walk off home run and their first, but only win making it 2-1 in the series. However, the damage was done, each team burned up their bullpen. Not even burn though, more like scorched since they each used 9 pitchers.
In game 4, the Dodgers were up 4-0 for a majority of the game, but the Red Sox came back and won. The final score was 9-6. This made the series 3-1 and the Dodgers were down to their last game. Unfortunately, the last game was probably the Dodgers worst game of the series. By the end of the top of the first, it was already 2-0. I guess the Dodgers kind of got them back by homering off of the first pitch thrown by David Price, but that was the only run they put up for the whole game. In the end, it was 5-1. This outcome was unfortunate to say the least, with the Red Sox taking another World Series win.
(Picture of Max Muncy hitting a walk-off home run to win the third game)
Image result for game 3 walk off homerun


  1. This was really upsetting to watch. Not my favorite playoff season... at all. It's over now. This was a great blog post, Reagan.

  2. This year's postseason was so depressing. There's always next year though. lol. Good job Reagan!

  3. HAHAHA, go Red Sox! Get em next time Yankees.

  4. Not really a baseball fan, but it's good info to have

  5. I'm assuming you're a Yankees fan! Mr. Kopp was not happy when this happened either!

  6. hahaha. Not a Red Sox fan?


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