Monday, October 29, 2018



By Veronika Waltner

       Since 1999 the Wolf Conservation Center has been promoting the protection of wolves, and just recently their ambassador, Atka, sadly passed away. This center  works to release the further endangered subspecies of wolves into the wild and has presentations to show the importance of wolves. Atka has been serving 16 years for this center in helping conserve his kind, wolves. Though in 2016 he retired from his work actually going out to meet people, but he still stayed at the Wolf Conservation Center. Finally Atka died in his sleep September 22, surrounded by his family. 
      Despite having retired in 2016 Atka still inspired many to help conserve wolves alongside the Wolf Conservation Center. Due to the huge impact he had the people at the Wolf Conservation Center on September 30th they held a Memorial Open House. Then October 12th they began a limited time apparel sale of shirts bearing images of him on them. To even further respect him they are honoring him while holding their annual Wine  & Wolves sale. Akta was an important member of the effort to protect wolves and should be remembered for his role.


  1. I find Atka's story to be very moving. As an animal lover myself, I think that it is great that people are still celebrating Atka's contribution to the Wolf Conservation Center, even after his death.


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