Monday, October 29, 2018

Zika vs. Brain Cancer

Zika vs. Brain Cancer by Garrett Neuschatz

The Zika Virus, a former epidemic could now be one of our greatest weapons against brain cancer. For those who don't know Zika is a viral disease spread my mosquitoes first scene in Africa and Asia, although in recent years it has surfaced and caused major outbreaks in America and Europe. Its symptoms include fever, rash and joint pain. It also sadly causes birth defects for the children of pregnant women who contract it by attacking the brain of the fetus. Specifically it targets and destroys the neural progenitor cells in brain. The Zika viruses apatite for these cells are the key to defeating brain cancer, particularly GDM. GDM is the most common and deadly form of brain cancer, with only a five percent rate survival rate. GDM like Zika targets a specific brain cell, glioma. Scientists realized that both the neural progenitor and glioma cells were very similar too each other in many ways, this sparked and idea. They could inject Zika into those suffering with brain cancer in the hopes that it would also target and destroy infected glioma cells and with it the GDM cancer itself. So far the theory has only been tested on mice but it has been successful. The mice injected with Zika had their cancer reduced and survived much longer, than the other test subjects. I think this just shows its amazing what science can accomplish and discover. As well its even more incredible and almost ironic that we have turned an enemy into a weapon against cancer. I hope that they make strides and that its can be used on humans to save lives, if not improve them. Overall its great to be one step closer in the race verses cancer. 

(Picture of Zika Virus)


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