Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A True Hero By Thomas Dean

Image result for anthonius gunawan agung

Anthonius Gunawan Agung worked at Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie airport at the young age of 21. This airport is located near the city of Palu, Indonesia. Considering his age, Agung did not have as much experience as his fellow colleagues. However, no amount of experience would ever prepare him for what would happen that day.
As the month of September drew to a close, Agung proceeded to do his job like any other day. However, a violent shaking throughout the workplace stopped them all in their tracks. A rattling earthquake rated at a whopping 7.5 magnitude had just begun. As his colleagues, along with the country of Indonesia, searched for any shelter they could find, Agung noticed a plane trying to escape the airport. He pushed aside any fear he had, stayed seated, and guided Batik Air flight 6231 into the air.

Image result for anthonius gunawan agung
Six Indonesian soldiers carry Agung as he lay dead under a blanket.

        As the structure began to collapse, it was clear that Agung knew this could very well be that last day of his life. Unfortunately, his suspicions became reality when he was forced to jump from four stories high, which resulted in internal injuries and a broken leg. Sadly, these injuries proved to be fatal when he was pronounced dead at the sight while waiting for a helicopter. Agung joined the list of the 384 people who were killed in Palu from the earthquake. However, he made sure that the 147 passengers on that plane did not join him on that list
I found this story moving because it conveyed what heroism truly represents: ordinary people doing extraordinary things and putting one's own life on the line to save others simply because it is the right thing to do.

Yvette Tan.(2018). Indonesia tsunami: Pilot hails 'hero' air traffic controller. BBC News.


  1. I love this - ordinary people doing what they can to save others. If we all did this just once....

  2. What an incredible story, the survivors will be forever grateful.

  3. The bravery it must have took is incredible.

  4. That's very heroic what Agung did to save 147 passengers


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