Thursday, October 25, 2018

This 5 Month Old is About to Own a World Record by Emma Cerra

Harper Yeats, a baby girl only 5 months old, is soon to break a world record, thanks to her traveling mom and dad.
     She's set to break the record for youngest person ever to travel all 50 US states, with the record being previously broken by a 2-year-old. Originally, her mom and dad were from Australia but moved to Canada. Canada allows both parents to take 8 months paid leave after the child is born or adopted, making the parents able to take off time and travel the USA.
     The parents both say they're excited to show the pictures to Harper when she gets older, and even though she's a baby now, they believe it's already shaping her personality!
     I think this is such a unique thing to do, and if the US gave its citizens a paid and just as long maternity leave, I might be inclined to give this a try when I have a family. I also understand where the parents are coming from, that they believe it's shaping their daughter's personality. I feel like in some way this huge adventure will impact the development of her personality, no matter how little it may be.


  1. I actually saw this on my Instagram and thought is was the cutest thing ever so thank you for bringing it up to help brighten my day!

  2. This is so cute! I think when she grows up she will love that her parents documented this as a memory from her very early childhood, and it is something she will be able to remember forever.


My Earliest Memory by Emma Cerra

When thinking back to my earliest memory, I wonder why I remembered it. It’s a really odd memory, hazy to the point where I feel like it cou...