Monday, September 24, 2018

The Last One Fell

The Last One Fell by Jessica Steel

They stand together tall and defiant
Feeding on those who fall
One by one the weak tremble
Until they succumb to their murderers’ gall

They cripple as they hit the ground
The giants glare at the fallen souls
Ignoring the tortured sound

It’s a sorrowful sight
The clouds darken the sky
It was once beautiful
Now it is filled with a woeful cry

So I walked out my door and stood beneath the beasts
Stepping on those that had already gone
I tried, I begged, I pleaded
They wouldn’t end their wrong

The last one fell
I stared up at the thieves
They were ugly and bare
As the wiry trunks stared at their fallen leaves


  1. I love how the it's about trees and the leaving falling and yet you were able to get away with not using the word "tree" the whole poem.

  2. Literally straight out of a poetry book. Loved love LOVED this Jess, super cool concept and filled with your voice!

  3. This is such a beautiful poem! I love the language you used.

  4. I love the way you made this poem so thought provoking. Not many think about personifying trees and leaves when they go through their fall. The idea was very creative and fresh, if not a little dark to keep it interesting. Love it!

  5. I really liked the way you structured this poem and made something so simple as leaves falling from trees such a dramatic and creative poem.

  6. Excellent work on this. Was the tree a metaphor for something else?

  7. I really like how you made the falling leaves seem much darker than they actually are.

  8. How does one write a poem like this... Are you secretly a poet in disguise going to this school? Start publishing random poetry books to make a living!


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