Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Rain by Robert Scott

    I'm looking out my window right now.  The sky is gray, the grass is slick with rain, and it's at that weird temperature where you can be hot and cold at the same time.  Fall.  What happened to the whole "April showers bring May flowers" deal?  Did all of that rain just decide to move a few months to now?  I thought fall was all about that cool, crisp air, with leaves falling off the trees in the wind.  Instead I'm wondering whether or not I've been transported to Seattle without my knowledge.  The weather has been in this state for a while as well, taking up most of September at my estimate.  Then again, I don't posses the greatest of memories, so it could really have only been this way for about a week and I'll think it has been raining for a month.  Either way, I'm hoping it'll start to dry up soon, as this constant rain and humidity is just depressing.

Image result for rain    Is it like this every year? I really can't remember, I've never thought about it before.  The summer had its fair share of rainy days as well, though it also had its fill of sunny, warm, classic summer days.  I don't mean to pick on rain too much though, as a rainy day here and there isn't bad at all.  Lately, however, it's been a bit excessive in my opinion.  All I see on the weather forecasts are those little cloud blips with water spouting out from under them.  Can't we throw in some regular clouds in there, maybe even the one where the sun is barely popping out of the clouds? (Though I don't mean to push it).  Only time will tell if that is so, and if the sole thing you see in the upcoming weather is rain, then you can just blame me for upsetting the meteorologist deity or something.
   To whoever keeps performing those rainmaking ceremonies; I think we've had enough.


  1. Sorry man that was me. I'll tell my rain dancing troop to knock it off. :)

    Seriously though, I totally agree.

  2. I agree, this rain better stop before I lose it.

  3. I agree - this has gone on long enough!

  4. I have to agree, there has been enough rain this summer. Let's hope we are not in for an overabundance of snow, or we will be going to school until July again this school year!


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