Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Few Minutes of Summer by Vivien Talon

The Few Minutes of Summer

 The few minutes of summer start when the school doors burst open,
 as the months of testing and homework are broken. 
Days of sunshine and happiness begin,
once the hours outside bronze our skin.

 Waking up in the early morning hours transition into rising late into the afternoon,

 time spent cramming is now reserved for Netflix at 1 am with the moon.
 But in just a few minutes it's August,
 in just a moment school's here, as promised. 

The cycle of homework and classes start again,

 with the pressure of grades that causes us so much pain.
 Textbooks and notes are shoved into our hands,
 and we wonder if this struggle ever ends.

 In just a few minutes summer has gone,

 once again I wake at dawn.
 In just a few minutes the leaves have fallen and the cold creeps in, 
summer is gone and before we know it school is back in session.


  1. I loved this! It was so poetic and original!

  2. I like the title - it's very true!

  3. Wow. This brought tears to my eyes... Seriously though, you did a really nice job on this! I love how it ends!

  4. I love to watch Netflix and as always we'll cry about our huge amount of homework/tests together.


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