Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Summer We Escaped

Across the narrow street I saw a blurry figure staring at me then his car, he looked to be fiddling with his keys, trying vigorously to open the car door. I was mesmerized watching the man move so ever angelically to his crimson red car. Next door, a woman was barbecuing for her summer party, tears in her almond-shaped eyes as her children were about to leave home for the first time. The scent of the newly grilled hamburger made my mouth start to drool as the scent wandered through the freshly cut grass until it finally reached me. It was so scorchingly hot outside I started to drip with sweat, my cheeks started to burn as I watched others swim, take a walk, and just have fun before they were about to go off to school. I was so hypnotized watching everyone live the life I wanted to.
I almost didn't notice my brothers clandestinely trying to escape under the cold hard chain link fence. Shortly after I heard heavy footsteps that were soon accompanied by yelling coming towards us, but it was no use, my brothers and I ran as fast as a shooting bullet and were streets away from our captors. The familiar surroundings slowly started to dissipate the farther we got. The wind was blowing in my golden brown hair and it looked as if we were experiencing the wind, the air, the sunlight for the first time. I let my brothers guide me as if they knew exactly where we were going. We felt as if we ruled the world and no one could stop us, but shortly after a dark hooded figure captured them.
Fear started to consume me as the mysterious man started to call out for me so, the pushed me to run faster and faster. I wandered from house to house just taking in the ravishing scenery that I was so rarely exposed to. However, I missed my brothers, so I decided to go back and find them. One small problem- I had no sense of direction and was lost in the wonderfully scary world. All I could of think was how I was alone in this treacherous world and how I couldn't ask for help because no one understands me. It felt as if seconds had turned to minutes, minutes had to turn to hours, and hours had turned to days. Honestly, I had no clue how long it has been since I last saw my brothers, but I knew I had to get back to them. I even started to miss my captors.
It was mid-August on one of the hottest days of the year. My mouth begged for water as thirst started to creep down my throat. My stomach rumbled and growled as if I hadn't eaten food for days (even though I just ate before I escaped).
A couple of feet away I heard a distant voice start to follow me and soon after they were chasing me, "Come back here, come back here now.”
That just pushed me to run even faster. I came to an intersection not knowing what to do. Cars raced up and down at a million miles an hour, but I knew I had to cross it. What if it led to my brothers? Food? Sanctuary? I waited until no cars passed and I held my breath and closed my eyes. Finally, I reached the end of the street. The eerie woods were daring me to me as my thirst came to subdue me. Again I heard unknown voices calling after me. I was too tired to run and let my hunger and thirst overcome me. Shortly after, I saw a familiar red car pull up to me, the women in the driver's seat face were dripping with tears as she called my name. An unknown woman pulls up behind them and lets out a child that I began to recognize.
The child said, "Shaggy, Shaggy! Please come here I love you so so much!”
At that instance, my mouth crept into a smile because I began to recognize the smooth sweet voice and was embraced in her arms, "Shaggy please don't ever run away again. You're the best dog I've ever had and all of the other dogs missed you so terribly.”


  1. I love how you made the time when your dog went missing for a few hours such a dramatic story!

  2. I want your dog, so adorable! I also love that it is in his perspective.

  3. This was very cute! I love your perspective choice.

  4. Very creative, your dogs are cute!


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