Sunday, September 16, 2018

No One Cries in Summer by Jordan Bucenec

“No One Cries in Summer”

As the freeing feelings of Summer begin to subside,
one cannot help but to feel terrified.
From long cozy nights of joy and bliss,
dancing in the sun and receiving the rays’ warm kiss,
To endless, shivering days of heartache and somber,
forever wishing that summer could just last a little bit longer.
No one cries in summer.
Not when you’re knee deep in the sea,
Savoring the feeling of the soft waves against your legs and the smell of the ocean breeze.
No one cries in summer.
Not when you’re spending time with people you adore,
Making jokes and laughing until someone falls on the floor.
Even when you’re in pre-season,
Pushing yourself to the limit until you start wheezing.
No one cries in summer.
Not until you witness the crisp green leaves begin to change their colors.
Thoughts of school and expectations push you up against the wall,
And that’s the reason why everyone cries in fall.
There is always so much pressure to be the best.
“Do your homework and go to bed early, you better pass that test!”
School always begins to feel like a competition,
Trying to do homework from eight subjects in one night like a magician.
Everyone is always fighting for the highest score,
Is this school or the civil war?
If only everyone could be taught equally,
Each and every student would come to school gleefully.
No more ‘A’s, no more wrongs and rights,
No more ‘F’s, and to the end with sleepless nights!
I wish fall could feel like less of a brawl,
But until then, everyone cries in fall.


  1. Aw Jordan! This was so great. I could really feel the emotion while I was reading this. These pictures were also so beautiful!

  2. Great job on this poem. Let's find a way to keep the tears away this fall!

  3. Jordan, I really like the visuals! You're a great photographer, and I loved the structure in this poem, especially how you kept repeating the line "No one cries in the summer"

  4. I loved this! And I can't believe you made it rhyme! I relate hard and it was really well done.

  5. Wow, I love this and I relate so much to the stress that fall brings.

  6. Dang this is awesome. I definitely already feel the stress hitting me like a truck! Hope that this fall is easier, but it feels to soon for summer to end.

  7. I really liked this!!!


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