Monday, September 10, 2018

Flamingos in Paradise- By Thomas Dean

     Over the Summer, my family and I vacationed in Aruba for a week. During this time, we had access by boat to a location by the name of Renaissance Island. Six brightly colored flamingos inhabited this island, enhancing its appeal. Visitors had the opportunity not only to take pictures with the flamingos but also to feed them.

       Additionally, during my time in Aruba, I learned a lot about flamingos by simply observing them. For example, while on the island I noticed that these birds remain standing while asleep; they also sleep on one leg! As big as they are (3- 4 feet), they possess the ability to fly! Flamingos are not simply entertaining, they are amazing to watch!

       My personal experience with the flamingos was very positive. After feeding them, they let me get close enough to take pictures and feed them. They will expand both of their wings, almost as if to pose for the picture. These pink long-necked birds also enjoy drinking the water that the outdoor beach shower provides.  In light of this, the flamingos of Renaissance Island made my experience at Aruba one of the best yet!


  1. SO ADORABLE!!!! Flamingos are so pretty! You are so lucky. Flamingos are also so weird.

  2. I saw flamingos in Florida, and a bus I was on almost hit one! Pretty rad post Thomas!

  3. Nice story. I've never seen a flamingo before, but they sound interesting.

  4. Wow I've never been to Aruba or anywhere tropical like that and I would love to go there soon. It's also really cool how you observed the flamingos. I can't believe they sleep while standing!

  5. This sounds so cool! Glad you had a good time!

  6. thats sickkk! I want to hang with flamingoes one day

  7. That sounds like such an amazing trip, I've only ever seen flamingos at the zoo I can't imagine what it must have been like to actually go swimming with them.

  8. That's really cool how the flamingos were so chill

  9. Those Flamingos seem really interesting, you should have taken one back!

  10. That seemed really fun to swim with the flamingos and even feed them. Wish I could do that one day.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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