Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sophomore Year by Lily Loewen

The school year is quickly coming to an end, and I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that this year went extremely fast. For me, this was definitely the weirdest year.

Freshman year was no doubt the best year of my life. It was the first year of high school, and I couldn't wait. I finally found my friend group and had relationships that I thought would last forever. I look back to photos and videos of freshman year and I've never seen me happier. That year was hard to top, and sophomore year miserably failed.

Socially, so much has changed from when I walked into the school year. There were some people that I was so close with when I walked into school and now I barely talk to them. But as much as I did lose a few relationships, I gained a bunch that will definitely last forever. The ones that I lost really hurt me, though and definitely contributed to me having a rough year. I didn't see it freshman year, but as I matured the year I realized that some of my friendships were really toxic and not worth saving. When I got rid of the bad friendships I was really happy at first, but soon looked back to old memories and got really upset. It hurt me what the people did to me, but it was so sad to let the happy times go and I started to get really regretful. If there was one feeling I felt this year, it would be regret. There were some decisions that I made that I wish I didn't, but deep down inside knew it was the better thing to do. 

Academic wise, this school year was pretty good. I loved all my teachers and my classes. I also got pretty good grades. A lot of my classes were really fun and I had a few friends in each. 

A great aspect of sophomore year are all the sweet 16's. A lot of my grade did not have actual sweet sixteen parties, but all my friends did something nice for their birthdays. They were all so much fun, and I can't wait for mine in June. 

Sports was also amazing this year. I did volleyball and track and these seasons were great. I got the coach's award in volleyball and I also did well this year in track. 

This year for spring break was also so much fun. My family and I went to Mexico, and had a blast. We made so many memories and had so many laughs. This trip was definitely a highlight of my year, and made it so much better. 

June is almost here and I'm so excited because that is my birthday month, so close to summer, and usually the most fun time of the year. One of my best friends and I have the same birthday, so I'm so excited to celebrate with her. I also can't wait for summer. My friends and I all have so many plans such as boat days, beach days, pool days, sleepovers, and hanging out with each other all summer long. Even though this year wasn't the best, it makes me want a great summer and I'm going to make sure that this summer with outweigh anything bad that happened this year. 

Here are some pictures of this year: 

1 comment:

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