Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Halfway Through High School By Lizzi Botta

Halfway Through High School

The end of sophomore year
Halfway through high school
Who can believe it?
180 long days of school
And those days are almost over

Waking up at 6 am every week day
Barely getting six hours of sleep each night
Studying hours for tests and forgetting the information the next day
The struggles of being a high schooler
Thank god it’s almost over

We all deserve a long summer break
A summer full of fun and relaxation
Going to the beach or hanging out with friends

No more studying 
No more getting up at the crack of dawn,
No more stress
No more drama

Well at least not until its September 
Where the same cycle will begin until it’s summer again.

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  1. Preach! I didn't even realize I was a sophomore until a few months ago, let alone being almost halfway through high school. Glad it's almost summer, though!

  2. It's so true how school and summer feels like an endless cycle, I really liked the way you captured that in your writing.

  3. I can't believe that school will be over in a couple of weeks and that summer will finally be here. After tirelessly working, we will finally be able to rest for a few months until Junior year begins. I too feel that students are constantly on a school year/summer cycle that never ends.


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