Saturday, April 6, 2019

I Too Enjoy the Poems By Alyssa Lasko


It started as a joke,
As I'm sure you're aware,
Good natured humor left shimmering in the air

I'm not sure if I can ditch my coat or not,
One second too cold and another too hot

It's that weird limbo between Winter and Summer,
To be honest, I find it to be quite the bummer

The fourth marking period has somehow approached,
To say the least, my final grades are toast

Easter is coming up steadfast,
Thank God, just how much longer will Lent last?

When dying eggs once again,
I hope my younger sister won't pretend,
 That the tablets are candy,
If she ate them, that'd be the opposite of dandy

My family is going to PA like every year,
Same dusty roads and still 7 hours near

No Wifi for a whole week,
God, I already feel meek!

Finals and AP exams are just around the corner,
Oh! my sleep schedule is already is such disorder

PARCC is... sometime,
I can't even bother myself to activate a single enzyme

Avengers: Endgame comes out on the 26th,
My spidey sense already tells me something is amiss

Apparently the 10th is National Hug Your Dog Day,
I don't have a dog to celebrate with but yay!

National Siblings Day is on the same day,
I'd rather eat straight up hay

April 11th is a day reserved for pets,
Sounds like a good excuse to remind owners to go to vets!

The 12th is for silence and grilled cheese,
While they're at it, why not throw in bees?

April 14th is a real kicker,
 National Ex Spouse Day! I read this and let out a snicker

I think my favorite obscure holiday of April,
And one that we should make become a staple,
Comes on the 18th and is celebrated by the whole world,
It's a title I'll take with me to the Underworld...

National Velociraptor Awareness Day!
Image result for velociraptor

(I know this doesn't really rhyme but, hey, what can I say? It's not like I do this everyday! Maybe if I kept practicing I'd find my way and this style could stay but, as of now, no way José!)

Have an April as sweet as a cake roll!
Image result for hello april
Image result for easter cake roll


  1. An interesting poem and I can relate to the weather situation for sure!

  2. I love your style! It's always so fun and happy!

  3. Your blog posts are always hilarious! I love the listing of all our most crucial holidays.

  4. This is so funny! Great job! Really enjoyable to read.


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