Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Nedelka Family by Beth Nedelka

 My family gets along very well. It is made up of my best friends: my mom, dad, Nate, and sierra, (they also always know how to get on my nerves). The best way to try and explain my family dynamic is to go into my relationship with each of my family members.

Ever since I was young I've always been "daddy's little girl", clinging onto my father and admiring everything he did. Some of our best father-daughter bonding moments are driving around Sparta with all the windows down blasting 90's rap or reggae. I always make fun of his dance moves as he just claims he's, "feeling the bass of the music".  I don't think there will ever be a moment in his life where he doesn't find the "road work ahead" vine hilarious and we make sure to reference it every time we pass a sign. My Dad's most priced possession is most likely our snap chat streak which he is adamant, and emotional about keeping. The thought of losing it terrifies him. So, he makes sure to send me a picture, with a huge smile across his face, every morning when he gets to work to make sure we keep the streak alive.

My mom is my best friend but yet my worst enemy (at times). She knows exactly what to say to tick me off, but she could also heal all my pain with just one hug. Nothing beats our Thursday night gossip sessions, where neither of us are worried about staying up late because we only have to get through Friday, and we catch each other up on our busy weeks.  My mom will sit with a glass of wine in her hand, and catch me up on the drama between her coworkers at the lunch table, as I sit with hot chocolate in hand and keep her updated on my hectic teenage life. Some weekends we'll go on Marshall's runs where we only mean to buy one or two things but walk out with the whole store and an agreement to not let Dad know how much money we just spent.

My little brother is quite the character. I love him one minute but can't stand him the next. Ever since we were little kids older people would comment on how amazing it was that we got along. But as he enters middle school we both get caught up in our own lives and don't hang out or play the way we used to. I hope he'll always know that I'm here to help him with his homework or, what seems to be his main priority at the moment, give him girl advice. At the end of the day he will always be 4 years, and 8 days younger than me and I'll always be older! :)

The newest addition to my family is my doggo. She is the sweetest and dumbest dog I have ever met. Everyday I come home to a fire cracker, who jumps around the whole house unable to contain her excitement that I'm home. She must have a sixth sense that tells her when I'm upset because the second a tear starts to roll down my face she's there to cuddle.

There is no way my family is perfect. We're actually far from it. But I love them just the way they are and there is not a thing I would want to change. I truly have the best support system and I'm so thankful for everything they have all done for me.

1 comment:

  1. You're lucky to have a great family! Love the pictures!


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