Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dinner with the Family by Sabena Burkhart

Dinner with the Family
By Sabena Burkhart

I apologize in advance
For the loud and crazy circumstance
But you must understand
That my family is extremely grand

Let me introduce you!
Smell the coffee brew?
Mind your step
Don’t step on Cousin Kleppe

How about Uncle John?
He has a brother Sean
He’s has to be very calm
He married my aunt (who’s as loud as a bomb)
Italian? Ha! What gave it away?
Was it the accent, or the Godfather cliche?
Don’t look at him for too long
Or you’ll see his left eye is a different color all along

My mom can cook her heart out
Yet still have time to give her hair a blowout
She’s short, and cute
And sweet like fruit
No, that’s not blush
She’s always had that rosy hush
She’ll make you laugh
Or take your photograph
But most of all
She makes the best meatball

My dad is annoying
He never stops toying
He’ll mock you until your red
You’ll want to hit him over the head
But in the end
He’s my best friend

Macaroni, rigatoni
Spaghettini, and scallopini
Prepare for a feast
Feel free to unleash your inner beast
Renae will feed you bread
Donna will have the salad instead
Can you still hear me over the radio?
I can’t turn the music off, no
Dean Martin is always on repeat
Sometimes Frank Sinatra will take the hot seat
Get used to it
Because it will never quit

Dinner is over
And I wish you would have slept over!
Huh? My family was too loud?
And the food didn’t wow?
Well excuse me, ma’am
I’m going to have to ask you to scram
Because my family is loyal and proud
We are not afraid to speak out loud
I can not apologize for my family’s actions
Or take away some infractions
The Burkhart's, O'Brien's, and Ianuzzi’s are here to stay
We’ll still be here until you’re old and grey
It may be weird to you
But it’s perfectly normal in my point of view
So we will act in our own special way
And my dear friend, you can’t take that away.


  1. Love this! I come from a loud Italian family too!

  2. I LOVED this!! It was so cute and special!


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