Monday, February 25, 2019

My Fantastic Family - Kelly Zukowski

“I love you, you love me.
We're a happy family.
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
Won't you say you love me too.
I love you, you love me.
We're best friends like friends should be.
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
Won't you say you love me too.” - By Barney (

Now you may be asking, why for the love of all things did I start with a song from Barney, the criminal? Well, that is because I use to annoy my family with that song when I was younger, as a long way of saying I love them.

My first word to come out of my mouth was the word dad, not mom. I do love my dad, and he is the breadwinner in the house. He always makes cringy jokes that my siblings and I laugh at all the time. When I was young, he would sing for fun, and let me tell you from first-hand experience it was hilarious. I am 100% sure that I am his favorite child (if my brothers say otherwise, they are wrong).


My mom is my best friend. We hang out, watch movies, and share books. She would always tell me that she would do anything for a girl (I was extremely planned). My mom knows everything, and I have avoided certain situations thanks to her advice. I have a conspiracy theory that she has magical powers to bend space and time so that she is right. (I am also her favorite child, if my brothers say otherwise, they are wrong. My brothers can’t even compare to my angelic self.)
Older Brother:

I hate him and love him. As I like to say, we were twins, but he pushed me out of the way, and I had to wait in there for two more years. People have asked us if we were twins since we were young (and we are not, he is two years my senior). However, I always know when he is lying, what he is doing, and can never be surprised by him.

Younger Brother:

I do have a favorite person in this world, and that person is my younger brother (otherwise known as Terry Bear). It is also important to note that no one uses his birth name ever (Terrence), so we all call him Terry. Now you may be asking, why do I call him Terry Bear? It is because Terry and Teddy sound similar. Just because of that nickname, I have bought him so many teddy bears. TOO MANY. When we were younger, we would build forts together, play pretend or just go crazy. It was always fun having him around. He is a little bit annoying now, but I still adore him (I HATE when he makes burping sounds). I could go on a rant on my younger brother, but all you guys need to know is that I love him very much.

That is a quick run through of my family (without my amazing pets). I can say, without a doubt, that my family is the best. No one can compare, so don’t even try to ;-).  


  1. I like the way you started this and used voice and creativity to describe your family!

  2. Hahah I love the winkey face you have at the end! I love the pictures


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