Thursday, February 28, 2019

Family is the Backbone of Our Lives. By: Nick Murray

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Family is important to about everyone on this planet, for the most part. Your mom, dad, brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle, etc. are what make you into the person you are today. Having a supportive family is one of the things that not many people have the privilege of experiencing. Supporting a family member through hard times or when they're looking to strive for something that is a little out of reach is one of the best things you can do for your family.

Image result for Family promoting educationLuckily, I have a family that supports me in school, sports, etc. Not everyone is this lucky, and I wish that this weren't true, however, this is not a make or break. Yes, support is going to college and furthering your education is extremely beneficial, but there are ways around it that some people have to take. One of these ways is student loans, which can be detrimental to someone's financial status or could be the key to finding a persons dream job or career that they will be doing for the rest of their lives.

Image result for parents cheering from kids

Along with families (mostly parents), being supportive of education, sports or activities need support as well. Playing a sport or activity without the support of your parents and family is almost impossible as a teenager or kid. They don't have the money to play football, basketball, or any other sport without funding from their parents. Equipment also costs money, so if somehow you managed to pay the initial cost, buy cleats or other equipment will be as challenging alone.

Image result for College money

Economic help from parents is important, but just as important is the bond you share with your family. The memories you create with them as you grow up will stick with you forever. Your family is always there no matter what helping you along the way and having your back. You share such a strong connection that could never be broken by anything.

Overall family is the backbone of all of our lives. Without our families, the things we want most in life would be either unachievable or the road to get there would be treacherous. Family can be the only ones you have left at times in your life, whether it be when your an infant, or at 24 years old in college missing home.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you included some pictures of your actual family !


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